Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема
- Uterine leiomyoma, infertility, miscarriage, reproductive age, risk factors. 1
- Uterine leiomyoma, myoma node, ultrasound examination. 1
- Uterine leiomyoma, non-hormonal therapy, immunohistochemical markers, Epigalin. 2
- Uterine leiomyoma, surgical treatment, conservative treatment, concomitant gynecological pathology. 3
- Uterine leiomyoma; еmbolization of uterine arteries; conservative myomectomy. 1
- Vaginal biocenosis, bacterial biofilms, hyperplastic processes of endometrium, polyps of the uterus. 1
- Vasovagal syncope; health-related quality of life; child self-report; parent proxy-report. 1
- Venous thromboembolism, pregnancy, delivery, Flenox. 1
- Violation of the cervix obstructive function, pregnancy, collagen I type, micronutrient state, hormonal violations, treatment. 1
- Violations of autonomic homeostasis, changes in reproductive health, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress. 1
- Viruses, inflammation, allergy, children, levocetirizine. 1
- Vitamin D, connective tissue dysplasia, antimicrobial peptides, children. 1
- Vulva; cancer; precancer; anamnesis; vulvoscopy; histological examination. 1
- Women of fertile age, who had an artificial abortion, microbiocenosis o f urogenital organs, level of stress loading. 1
- Women, infertility, vaginal microbial, appendages of the uterus, surgical treatment. 1
- Young children, functional constipation, treatment. 1
- Автоімунний гепатит, діти, вітамін D, активність гепатиту. 1
- Автоімунний гепатит, діти, фіброз, гістологічна активність. 1
- Автоімунний гепатит, діти, фіброз, ультразвукова еластографія. 2
- Автоімунний гепатит, маніфестація, діти, фіброз, клініка, діагностика. 1