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dc.contributor.authorЛапшин, В.Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorУманець, Т.Р.-
dc.contributor.authorПустовалова, О.І.-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of our open-label, randomized, prospective, comparative study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Prospan drops and syrup in children with acute obstructive bronchitis. We have examined 54 children aged 6 to 12 years with acute obstructive bronchitis. The criteria of treatment effectiveness were the regression of the main clinical manifestations of the disease, the dynamics of spirometry parameters, changes in the cellular composition of induced sputum. The use of two formulations of Prospan in children with mild acute obstructive bronchitis contributed to a more rapid regression of the main symptoms of the disease, improvement of the function of external respiration and indicators of cellular composition of induced sputum.uk_UA
dc.publisherChild`s Healthuk_UA
dc.subjectБронхіт, діти.uk_UA
dc.subjectAcute obstructive bronchitis, children, ivy extract.uk_UA
dc.titleAcute obstructive bronchitis in children: the efficacy and tolerability of Prospan drops and syrupuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Відділення захворювань органів дихання та респіраторних алергозів у дітей

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