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dc.contributor.authorЧернишов, В.П.-
dc.contributor.authorДонськой, Б.В.-
dc.contributor.authorСудома, І.О.-
dc.contributor.authorГончарова, Я.О.-
dc.description.abstractImmune profiles in endometrium may be changed in patients with IVF failure and its possible correlations with immune parameters in peripheral blood are important for the diagnostic approach. Such correlations in healthy women are unknown and have been studied in the present research. The expression of CD56, CD158a, HLA DR, CD69 in T lymphocytes, CD4 T lymphocytes, CD8+ T lymphocytes and NK cells were studied by flowytometry in endometrium and peripheral blood in healthy 24 donors of oocytes aged 25-32 years. Levels of T lymphocyte and T helper cells were lower in endometrium and no differences in CD8 T lymphocytes were registered between endometrium and peripheral blood. The expression of HLA DR and especially CD69 was higher in CD3, CD4, CD8 T cells in endometrium in comparison with peripheral blood. The endometrium lymphocyte population was enriched by NK cells that were generally CD56++ with a higher expression of HLA DR and almost in total were CD69 positive. Strong positive correlations of CD8 expression in NK cells (r = 0.6478, p < 0.001) and HLA DR expression in CD8 T cells (r = 0.6107, p < 0.01) between peripheral blood and endometrium were registered in fertile women. The endometrial CD56 expression in CD8+ T cells negatively correlated with endometrial CD8 expression in NK cells (r = –0.5252, p < 0.01) which possibly reflected a sup- pressive and regulating mechanism in the endometrium. CD8+ NK cells and HLA DR+ CD8 T cells in endometrium were related to the same subsets in peripheral blood.uk_UA
dc.publisherClinical immunologyen
dc.subjectEndometrium, peripheral blood, immune profiles.uk_UA
dc.titleComparison of T and NK lymphocyte subsets between human endometrial tissue and peripheral blooduk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Лабораторія імунології

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